Well after many many frustrating months of run around, Chelsea decided that enough was enough with our builder. (writing in third person)
Being her mother's daughter, she sent a strong but courteous letter to the owners of the building company, describing to them the bad business practices that had been going on in their company. This letter was sent at approximately midnight on Thursday evening via email. Lo and behold, Friday morning at 9 am she received a phone call from none other than the owner himself. He extended his great apologies for the lack luster customer service they had received and requested a meeting that would include the two owners of the company, the foreman of construction, and ourselves.
Ok enough of this third person writing. Let me tell you, did we ever pick the problem child lot!!! When we signed our contract we found out that we were going to be house number 13. How lucky for us. At this meeting, we found out that many unforeseen problems arose with our lot. First being that when they began to excavate our basement they could not find the sewer lines. Apparently these are pretty important things! ;) So they had to contact the land developer to come out and locate the lines and also visit city hall to go through video footage of the creation of those lines( or something like that, I don't speak construction) Finally, said lines were found!! Then came the second large problem. In the middle of where our driveway needs to be are two city utility boxes. As you can imagine, you can't exactly just pour cement over city utility boxes. Nor can you have said boxes in the middle of your driveway. So back to the city the builder went. The city has finally decided to move said boxes to another location. This, we found out, is the reason we have had over a month of delays so far. Let's hope we've had enough problems from our lucky number 13 home.
Back to the meeting.... after hearing our concerns about the lack of service we had received in regards to unanswered questions we had and that we had been denied modifications we wanted to make to our home; they created a few special modifications for us for free!
1- we are taking out the door between the master bedroom and master bathroom and instead creating a large roman archway
2- We are closing off the door between the master bath and the walk in closet and just putting a door in the bedroom that leads into the walk in closet. (no more having to walk through the bathroom to get to the closet)
3- we are adding a window, 4ft by 3ft above my soaker tub for natural light in the master bath.
Moral of the story: stand your ground on demanding good customer service! I am proud to be my mothers daughter and that she taught me how to strongly but courteously stand up for myself and others. Thanks mom!
Roots Redux
9 years ago
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ReplyDeleteRemind me to never work with you, I can see you yelling over the phone at someone who is never given the details as to why something happened. LOL, jk
ReplyDeletedeleted the first comment due to spelling errors
Jacob, Jacob. Don't misunderstand me, I never yelled. And I in the home building business, your agent should be able to answer your questions. thats why they are getting paid commission for selling you the home. Also, i work in "customer service" with my students everyday, so i get my fair share of "being yelled at" if you will, too. There is a way to demand the service you deserve without yelling. I'll teach ya' sometime ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL, and I was merely making a joke. Hence the 'jk' at the end.