So the day has finally come.......I got my first cavity. I've been avoiding going to the dentist ever since my pregnancy because I literally couldn't put my tooth brush in my mouth for oh.....5 months. Seriously, not joking. Add to that throwing up 6 to 7 times per day and your left with a pretty gross dental situation.
Having proudly worn the badge of "Never had a single cavity!" for the last 24 years, I must now take it off. The dentist says I should feel lucky I only have one given my oral hygiene, or lack there of, during pregnancy. He said most women who report having thrown up a ton in pregnancy will show up with 10+ cavities on their next visit. (the bile in your stomach breaks down the enamel of your teeth, leading to easier cavities) But I still don't feel so lucky, and I'm not ready to give up my "never had a cavity" badge. What a sad, sad day.
Roots Redux
9 years ago
Oh no! I am sorry-but aren't you glad you can get it fixed and have healthy teeth again? Don't worry, I am sure you will survive after giving up your title. Don't hate me for finally convincing you to make an appointment.