Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Dilemma

Two years ago I bought these beautiful stockings at Target. They have had them every year for a while so I figured I was safe in making these our family stockings and being able to add more as needed. Well, of course, this year they are no where to be found. And as you can see, I need one for Avalinea. Her cheepo stocking looks pretty pathetic next to the rest. WHY I didn't buy one last year when I was pregnant with Avey is a mystery. I have no idea what I was thinking.
If anyone sees a stocking similar to these PLEASE let me know asap.


  1. I have the same issue! I'll keep an eye out for you. Maybe you can pick up a new set after the holidays if you need to! :)


    Those are the closest set I have seen online. I'll check the Target when I go today for some food, they have a sale on cereal, whoo hoo!

  3. Hey Chelsea!

    I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog! I actually have been visiting that HelpHER site a few times, and it definitely helps to know others have gone through this! I wanted to ask you, did you ever have a Picc line? The one that goes almost to your heart? I had a few questions and was just wondering :)I was going to ask something else but pregnancy brain took the thought back....

    I hope youre doing well and I will talk to you soon!
