The shower decorations consisted of butterly patterns in pink, purple and green.

The Cake! Looks really slanted here doesn't it? And this was the 2nd cake because we made them redo the first one which was even worse than this one! Costco is usually much better than this..

Kelly and her best friend Danielle, and Danielle's baby Jayla. Danielle co hosted the shower with Stacy and brought lots of delicious food and fun games!

Kelly and Stacy with the baby blanket that Stacy crocheted for baby Lily

Me and Kelly with the bedding set Josh and I bought for her. It was called the "Kelly B. Butterfly Garden" set, could it be more perfect? Lets just hope that Lily likes it too!

A pretty pic of Kelly at 34 weeks, almost there!

Avalinea enjoyed the shower too, but mostly just looked for peoples shoes to wear!
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