For family night the Monday before Halloween we carved Joshies pumpkin, unfortunately it went soft before Halloween night. So sad, but we kept it out anyway it just looked more like a sad Jackolantern. Haha. Here are some pictures from carving night.
Avalinea coloring her pumpkin, I forgot to buy paint so markers had to do. It didn't work very well. But she was more interested in coloring the paper towels anyway.
Joshie scooping the guts out of his pumpkin
His carving! Great job bud!
Halloween Day We took the kids to the ward trunk or treat that was held on one of our residential streets and they had a lot of fun. Great food (chili, nachos, hot chocolate) and of course Loads of candy!
Aunt Alayna the cowgirl with Minnie Mouse and Jack Sparrow
On October 10th, Josh and I were able to attend Kara and Andrew's beautiful wedding in Sanger, CA. There was a man made lake that was the backdrop to the reception and guests could take boat rides on it as well. We really had a really great time and we happy to be a part of their special day.
Formal pictures by the lake
Pretty flowers that lined the aisle
Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Riordon!
The cake! Kara and Andrew went to Disneyworld for their honeymoon.
Taking off the garter......with teeth!! ha ha too cute
Throwing the bouquet. I really should have gone to one of these before I got married. I always want to jump in, but can't now that I am an old married woman.
The happy couple!
Kara and I
Josh and I right after our boat ride
Eric and Rachel dancing to their wedding song
Thanks Kara and Andrew for inviting us! It truly was a beautiful ceremony and a great party afterward!
While we were in Visalia we got to take the kids to the pumpkin patch! It was so much more fun that picking them out at Albertsons. :) Joshie enjoyed the games, animals and riding on the train in addition to picking out his perfect pumpkin.
Riding the "train"
Posing as a Turkey
Now posing for Mom on the hay.
Avy and Uncle Jake
Avy picking out her perfect pumpkin
Joshie picking out his perfect pumpkin. (my hair looks like this for the wedding later in the evening, crazy i know, it was a little "big" for my tastes.)
Look how tall we are Mom! We will get to go on loads of rides at Disneyworld next year!
While we were in Visalia, Stacy and a friend of Kelly's, Danielle threw Kelly a baby shower. I was glad that Avy and I got to be there with her for this fun occasion. We had great food, played infamous baby shower games like identifying the melted chocolate bar in the diaper, and got to watch Kelly open all her cute gifts. Baby Lily is sure going to look great 24/7!
The shower decorations consisted of butterly patterns in pink, purple and green.
The Cake! Looks really slanted here doesn't it? And this was the 2nd cake because we made them redo the first one which was even worse than this one! Costco is usually much better than this.. Kelly and her best friend Danielle, and Danielle's baby Jayla. Danielle co hosted the shower with Stacy and brought lots of delicious food and fun games!
Kelly and Stacy with the baby blanket that Stacy crocheted for baby Lily
Me and Kelly with the bedding set Josh and I bought for her. It was called the "Kelly B. Butterfly Garden" set, could it be more perfect? Lets just hope that Lily likes it too!
A pretty pic of Kelly at 34 weeks, almost there!
Avalinea enjoyed the shower too, but mostly just looked for peoples shoes to wear!