A coworker and good friend of mine tagged me this week and this one seemed like lots of fun, so here we go!
8 Favorite TV shows:
1. Prison Break
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Army Wives
4. Gray's Anatomy
5. Biggest Loser- my inspiration (I'd love to be on a biggest loser "normal just overweight folks!)
6. Extreme home makeover
7. Law and Order SVU
8. Criminal Minds
8 Favorite Resturuants:
1. Ruby River Steakhouse
2. Zupas
3. Cafe Rio
4. Iggy's
5. Round Table Pizza
6. Olive Garden
7. Friday's
8. The Roof (only been there once but it was amazing)
8 Things that Happened Yesterday:
1. I worked from home
2. Felt good about my job
3. Hated my job for a few moments
4. Watched my favorite shows
5. Read random people's blogs
6. Stayed up TOO late
7. VOTED! (okay that was today but I couldn't think of anything else)
8. Drove by our "pretty dirt lot" (again, today)
8 Things That I look Forward To:
1. My house being built
2. Moving into and decorating my very first house!
3. Taking Joshie trick or treating this Friday
4. Being debt free
5. Going to nursing school
6. Going to a graduate FNP program after nursing school
7. Vacation in Walt Disney World in November 2010
8. Some "Me" time
8 Things I love About Fall
1. Sweater weather!
2. Eating soup
3. Getting ready for the holidays
4. Vacations
5. Cheap utilities (no air conditioning and not much heating)
6. Countdown to Christmas
7. The beautiful colors
8. playing outside
8 Things on my wish list
1. To be a size 8 (only 2 sizes to go, i can do it!)
2. Someone to do my dishes all the time (but exactly the way i like it)
3. To have a large house with backyard and play set for the kids
4. A Kenmore Pro Series Kitchen
5. A date night with my husband every week
6. More time with my children
7. To not have to work full time
8. To never be sick again (my children as well)
I tag: Taylor K, Kalynne J, Jacob B
Roots Redux
9 years ago
You tag me? how dare ye!