So below are some pictures of our up and coming house! We got to go to the design center today which was so much fun! It was like being on a shopping spree (within our small budget of course). Here are some pics of the stuff we chose!
Here is our carpet, paint color for the walls and
our wood flooring for the dining room, kitchen,
and half bath down stairs.

This is our Vinyl flooring for the bathrooms, and
laundry room. The countertop for the bathrooms
and Kitchen is on the top and the cabinet sample for
the whole house is on the right.

This is our master bathroom layout. Our walk
in closet is behind Josh. it is the size of a small

Other side of master bath. We do not have the
window above the bath in our home.

Kitchen cabinets

Layout of our kitchen- I am really excited about
have the bar to eat at. (the post wont be there
it is just holding up the counter while the glue dries)

This is actually our same model, though we have a smaller porch. These are also the colors we chose.

I hope you all will come and visit when we finish at the end of February!!!